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Showing posts from February, 2007

Are You Bagging Your Groceries ?

Its Valentines Day, you are with the person whom you love, or, care for. You just got finished from a night on the town, now, its back to your place. The lights are dimmed low, incense is burning, and R. Kelly is playing in the background. You are harder than a Calculus III test, and she is about to damn near drown from her own wetness. So go ahead and do it, get busy. Wait! aren't you forgetting something. Yes! a condom, where is the condom? February 11-17 begins National Condom Week. Valentine's Day marks National Condom Day. During this time, it is important to raise awareness of how significant condoms, and, other forms of birth control and STD protection are for sexual participants. We should already know what condoms are, and that they protect us from transmitting sexual diseases and protect women from impregnation. Condoms are sold in many places: convenient and grocery stores, gas stations, etc. College students should be aware that they can get free condoms from hospit...