I came across this quite detailed and relevant poll this morning conducted by New American Media(NAM). It covers a variety of questions, some brought u p often in our society and others, pushed under the table all too often. Below are some of the most intere sting results. There were 1,105 respondents; 400 Asian, 350 African-American, and 355 Hispanic. The margin of error is 3%. Who do you feel more comfortable doing business with- Whites, Asians, or Blacks? [Hispanics] Whites 61% Asians 4% Blacks 3% No preference 32% Who do you feel more comfortable doing business with- W hites, Asians, or Hipsanics? [African Americans] Whites 47% Asians 6% Hispanics 10% No preference 37% Who do you feel more comfortable doing business with- Whites, Hispanics, or Blacks? [Asians] Whites 53% Hispanics 7% Blacks 3% No preference 37% ...
"Salvage now, what you can have tomorrow."