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Showing posts from 2007

Poll Reveals Tensions Among Minorities

I came across this quite detailed and relevant poll this morning conducted by New American Media(NAM). It covers a variety of questions, some brought u p often in our society and others, pushed under the table all too often. Below are some of the most intere sting results. There were 1,105 respondents; 400 Asian, 350 African-American, and 355 Hispanic. The margin of error is 3%. Who do you feel more comfortable doing business with- Whites, Asians, or Blacks? [Hispanics] Whites 61% Asians 4% Blacks 3% No preference 32% Who do you feel more comfortable doing business with- W hites, Asians, or Hipsanics? [African Americans] Whites 47% Asians 6% Hispanics 10% No preference 37% Who do you feel more comfortable doing business with- Whites, Hispanics, or Blacks? [Asians] Whites 53% Hispanics 7% Blacks 3% No preference 37% ...

All In The Family

Doesn't look too good when you are the mayor of a major U.S. city, and your ex-son in law is convicted of dope smuggling; In addition, your daughter is convicted of illegally transferring drug money to her ex-husband. Well, thats exactly what happened to Mayor Shirley Franklin. Mrs Franklin had the pleasure of sitting in the same courtroom, on two separate occasions.One was to watch her ex son-in-law, Tremayne Graham( very suitable last name), receive life in prison for smuggling over 500 kilograms of cocaine from California to the wonderful city of Atlanta, which happens to be the same city that Mayor Franklin governs. On the second occasion, Mayor Franklin got a chance to see her daughter, Kai Franklin Graham, receive 90 days in jail for converting drug money into money orders; to help Mr.Graham while on the run from law enforcement. After her daughter's sentence, Mayor Graham made a very emotional and articulate statement to the press: " I ran for mayor. None of my ch...

Black Salvage Blog of the Month: "Fed Up"

I would like to present to Black Salvage readers the first regular segment to appear on the site, "Blog of the Month". The intent of these monthly pieces is quite simple really; to provide awareness of many of the great blogs and sites out there relevant to our focus. [Below is a sample of the type of pictures that appear on this month's "Blog of the Month]. The first "Black Salvage Blog of The Month" recipient is author of the thoughtfully racist web log "Fed Up", which is home to dozens of anti-black writings(here is a link, The author, who goes by the pen name "Intolerant" has been writing about his love of hating people of the African diaspora since November of 2005. Stories on the blog range from jokes to serious pieces on the all the supposed ills of black people in the author's opinion. Before the comments questioning my reasoning for entertaining such a blog come in, let me first ask you ...

I Could Care Less

Before I start to vent, I would like to apologize to the readers of BlackSalvage . I have been on an eight month hiatus, but, we are back and stronger than ever. We promise to bring more articles, more often. With the elections 11 months away, I feel that its too early to back a candidate of my choosing; quite frankly, I am not too fond of any of these second rate prospects. So instead of supporting, or denouncing these candidates, I decided to make a list entitled " I Could Care Less". I COULD CARE LESS: 1. That Barack Obama is Black - If you read my article from January 2007, you will understand that there are other reasons for my doubting his presidential capabilities. 2. That Hilary Clinton is a woman - Listen, Hilary Clinton in the White house equals Bill Clinton in the White house; sounds pretty good to me. 3. That Mitt Romney is a Mormon - Actually, scratch that from the list, I do care that Romney is a Mormon, those people are crazy! 4. That Rudy Giuliani has been m...

Oprah Behind Obama Because He's Black?

The above video is an announcement of Oprah Winfrey's intentions to hit the campaign trail with '08 presidential hopeful Barack Obama. I thought the discussion being had was quite enlightening- it brought up were many pros and cons I had never considered about the situation, such as the fact that Oprah very possibly could draw many into politics who never gave it much thought. But as the title of this post suggests, this piece is on the question of Oprah's intentions. I would like to try and dispel this notion that Oprah is campaigning for Obama simply because he's black. Given the fact that he is the first presidential candidate to receive Oprah's blessing, at least in this fashion, I could see some of the logic in that. But anyone looking at the big picture would surely see that Obama being black has nothing to do with it. It's the man that Obama is that warrants Oprah's attention, or so I believe. Not since John F. Kennedy has a politician in this cou...

References and Learning Tools

It may or may not be common knowledge by now that on my back burner of things to do is the complete removal of Andrew Jackson from U.S. currency. I say "backburner" because right when my effort managed to gather steam last March, the "immigration protests" hit. That was the first of many incidents that would clearly take priority over my cause. I currently am waiting to calmer times so that Congress might be slightly more attentive. But on to the point. . . I stumbled across this web article the other day entitled "How to Celebrate Andrew Jackson Day". Thinking it to be a joke that someone would celebrate one of the most prominent racist and genocidal maniacs in American History, I read through this article. As it turns out, Tennessee celebrates "Andrew Jackson Day" on March 15 every year. What buffoonery is this? That was the question I kept asking myself. Now, I hate to preach to you but I'll just come right out and tell you again that Andr...

Go Ahead, Impeach Me, I Dare You !!!!!!!!......PART II: The Case Against Bush

Can we continue and let the Bush Administration undermine, and make a mockery of the U.S Constitution? The answer is no. The case against Bush is too strong to just go away without an investigation. Below are six strong cases that the House Judiciary Committee should look into a.s.a.p. Most of these Bush administration mishaps violate the supreme law of the land, our U.S. Constitution: 2003 Invasion of Iraq- Violates War Powers Clause(Article I, Section 8) and Article VI of the Constitution. NSA Warantless Surveillance- Bush ordered wiretapping of international calls without proper warrants. Violates Fourth Amendment of Constitution. Abu Ghraib torture and prison abuse- Violates Geneva Convention Laws, and certain U.S. and International laws involving military detainees and torture. Possible leaking of CIA agents ( Scooter Libby scandal) Mishandling of Hurricane Katrina- enough said Abuse of War Powers Act In addition you can also throw in the formation of the Patriot Act, which is unc...

Go Ahead, Impeach Me, I Dare You !!!!!!!!.......PART I : It's Not Too Late

What Happened to the art and beauty of politics? What happened to FDR, Huey Long, and Shirley Chisholm (If you don't know these individuals, then GOOGLE them.) I am not naive, I know that scandal, deceit, and misinterpretation are common in the political realm, but, the Bush Administration has taken dirty politics to a whole new level. As the scandals continue to grow, and with Bush's approval rating plummeting by the minute, I wonder, why the hell is he still in office? American politics is changing, not in a good way, but, in a foul, awful way. Appeasing large corporations and securing campaign money has become more important than discussing and focusing on the issues that plague American society. It brings tears to my chubby cheeks to see a man that has only two years of congressional experience, and no platform to speak of, become a forerunner for President of the United States of America. In the news and media, I hear nothing of the platforms for the candidates running f...

Are You Bagging Your Groceries ?

Its Valentines Day, you are with the person whom you love, or, care for. You just got finished from a night on the town, now, its back to your place. The lights are dimmed low, incense is burning, and R. Kelly is playing in the background. You are harder than a Calculus III test, and she is about to damn near drown from her own wetness. So go ahead and do it, get busy. Wait! aren't you forgetting something. Yes! a condom, where is the condom? February 11-17 begins National Condom Week. Valentine's Day marks National Condom Day. During this time, it is important to raise awareness of how significant condoms, and, other forms of birth control and STD protection are for sexual participants. We should already know what condoms are, and that they protect us from transmitting sexual diseases and protect women from impregnation. Condoms are sold in many places: convenient and grocery stores, gas stations, etc. College students should be aware that they can get free condoms from hospit...

President Bush Gives State of the Union Address

Tuesday, January 23, President George Bush gave his sixth State of the Union Address, on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. When the President gives a SOUA, his main objectives are to inform the American citizens of the major issues that affect our nation at the present time. In addition, he discusses reforms, laws, policies, and initiatives that will be presented in the future. This was a very important State of the Union for Bush; His approval rating is at an all-time low (35%), the Democrats control both chambers of Congress, and the Iraqi War is declining day by day. Below is a synopsis of Bush's speech, included in his speech were the issues of economy, domestic policy, energy supply, Iraq, and foreign policy. ECONOMY Bush discusses four economic proposals for the future. He informs of attempts to balance the federal budget without raising taxes; this has been a big issue for Republicans, ever since Bush himself was in diapers. He will also submit a budget to Congress that will d...

Hillary Puts Her Bid In

Just informing all you Democrats and Hillary supporters that she has indeed put her bid in for '08. Whether this is a good or bad thing? Only time will tell. Ok, we got a woman, we got a black guy( Barack Obama), we got an Hispanic ( Bill Richardson, Gov Of New Mexico), now we need an Asian- any suggestions. Want to see Hillary in the White House? Leave a comment.

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, No! I'ts a Black Man Running For President

Let me start by stating that this is in no way an article bashing Senator Barack Obama. After reading this article some may call me idiotic, or a pessimist; but, I like to call myself a realist. Will he run? That is the question that is on a lot of peoples mind. Will Barack Obama, the only black American in Senate, run for Vice President or President of the United States. Currently, Obama is not sure of whether or not he will put his bid in for the presidency. In the past, he has made several hints. With appearances on the cover of TIME (" Why Barack Could Be The Next President") and Newsweek (" The Race Is On") magazine, many believe that his bid will come in the near future. In a recent Democratic voters poll, Obama ranked second among potential Democratic nominations, Hillary Clinton ranked first. Many celebrities, such as, George Clooney, Matt Damon, and unfortunately, Oprah Winfrey have expressed support for Obama entering the 2008 presidential race. The next...

The Road Ahead

As editors of Black Salvage, Jerel and I feel obligated to elaborate upon the future plans and goals of our web blog . We understand the importance of communication that must exist between the writer and the reader. We sincerely hope that this article will not only clarify inquiries that you have, but in addition, attract new readers interested in our cause. OUR AUDIENCE Everyone should feel free to contribute to Black Salvage. Race, gender, religious views,etc. have no bearing on your qualifications to participate. Even though our target audience is young black adults; everyone is welcome. A diverse audience means a wider scope of ideas and opinions. As long as you remain respectful towards the ideas of others, you should not have a problem with being allowed to participate. To better interact with our readers, there will be a number of resources presented in the near future that will allow better forms of communication, these include: audio debates, formal letters, roundtable/foru...

Allow Me To Introduce Myself

When Jerel first told me about his weblog, I immediately dismissed it (Sorry Jerel). After seeing his commitment and passion to "Black Salvage", I decided to rethink my position. After six months of debating, I finally decided to add something new and innovative to his already insightful blog spot. My name is Quintin Wallace. I currently reside in Annapolis, Maryland. I am a student at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland; but hopefully by Fall 2007, I will be enrolling at UMBC. politics, women, fashion, and music are a few of my interest. I consider myself a free-thinker who has a lot of ideas that are based around theology, history, and most importantly, politics. Even though Jerel and I are two completely different people; we share two common interest: politics and the state of the black race. My goals as a writer for "Black Salvage" is to inform, debate, and interest people in not just the future of the black race (even though it is top priority); bu...